
Monday, January 11, 2010

Arquest Diaper Survey

For those of you with children in diapers, I have a great program to tell you about. You can get paid to sample diapers. Seriously! There is this company called Arquest that pays you do to diaper surveys and they are super easy. I recently did one and got paid $10 to do the surveys (which took maybe 15 min.) and also received around 70 diapers free!

If you want to do a diaper survey and get paid $10 plus get free diapers, simply call 1-888-diaper2 and if you have a boy dial ext. 634, if you have a girl ext. 646. You will then be prompted to leave your name, your child's gender and the diaper size that you want to try and your phone number. Sometimes you'll have someone call you back immediately, but most often it will go up to several weeks. I think I waited three to four weeks before I got the call that they had a diaper survey opening for my son's size, so be patient.

And just in case you are wondering I was not asked to do this promotion nor did I get paid in anyway to tell you about this. I am just telling you because I think it is a great way to save and I know how you all love to save!

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome program! I saved SOOOO much money last year while my son was in a size 4 diaper - I think that I may have done over 8 studies (I lost track). It saved me so much money - they gave me diapers and paid me too! I used to buy diapers at BJ's, but now I buy them at CVS and Rite Aid when they have their deals - I pay very little for diapers now and get brand named diapers! Love it!


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