
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nivea Coupon = CVS Money Maker

I don't often post drug store deals but this one is really good so I thought I'd give you a heads up.

According to IheartCVS, next week (12/20 to 12/26) the Nivea body wash will be on sale for $5.99 and when you purchase it, you will get $5 Extra Bucks. (Limit of 1 per customer) Now here is the kicker. If you go here, you can print a coupon for $2 any Nivea women's body wash, which would mean you actually make $1 when you buy this!

The reason I am telling you about this now is because only allows so many prints per coupon and it is very likely that the Nivea coupon won't even be available next week. So if you want it, print it now!

By the way, I got a bottle of this body wash free recently, and I LOVE it. It doesn't take much and it smells great.

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