
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Deal Oz: Online Price Compare "Tool"

Do you ever order items online and wonder if you are getting the best price available? Maybe you just always go to or and never think twice about it.

Well, I have a great little "tool" that will help you save money when you are buying items online- it's called Deal Oz. Deal Oz is a website that allows you to enter an item, such as a book title, and then see all the online retailers that sell that particular item and what price they charge for it. This obviously allows you to compare prices to ultimately get the most bang for your buck. In fact, if there is an online coupon available to help bring down your cost, Deal Oz will show that as well. And to help you out even more, you can enter your address so that shipping is calculated into the final cost of your item.

I've been using Deal Oz since I was in college 6 years ago and ordering text books. It helped save me lots of money and I became a loyal user. Until recently, Deal Oz was called Campus-i and could only be used to compare book prices (at least if my memory is correct). I was excited to learn recently that you can compare prices on almost anything now!

Perhaps you are still feeling skeptical that they will really find you the absolute lowest price on an item. Just for the record, I have at different times been curious and played Sherlock Holmes to see if Deal Oz was indeed giving me the absolute lowest price around. And I was very happy to find that they really were, every time!

I was not asked to do this Deal Oz review or reimbursed in any way. I simply wanted to tell you about another way to stretch your money a little further!

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to keep this in mind for the next time I want to purchase something!! Thanks for the info!


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