
Thursday, November 5, 2009


I just had to tell you what happened a minute ago. I was sitting here at my computer getting ready to post some deals when the doorbell rang. I looked and as I figured it was the mailman, packages in hand. I opened the door and he smiled his friendly smile and handed me my packages- both free sample items. Then he sort of paused and hesitantly asked, "Do you mind if I ask you how you get all these samples?" How dare he ask?! Of course I scowled and slammed the door in his face. Just kidding! No, I was more than delighted to share with him how I do this. In fact I was nearly stammering in my excitement. I had so much fun telling him how easy it is and then I wrote down a couple of website addresses to get him started. He informed me that his wife would love it and his kids would get a kick out of getting the things from the mailbox. I'm sure he won't be disappointed! Thanks Mr. Mailman for making my day!

Through this whole exchange, I realized again how much I love sharing about ways to save. Funny as it may seem, it really does make me come alive!

And that leads me to another thing. Thanks for honoring me by reading this is time consuming but I really do enjoy it. And I love hearing from you all too. So feel free to leave comments about the deals you scored, links you found helpful from my site or others, or anything else you care to share. Your comments seriously make my day sometimes....just like Mr. Mailman did today.

1 comment:

  1. Aww...That's so exciting and encouraging to know that your mailman isn't grouchy with you because of all the packages you get! I've always wondering whether my mailman thinks I've gone off the deep end...


I love your feel free to leave them!