
Friday, November 6, 2009


I can't believe I waited so long to post this, but a week ago I received a prize that I won from Gina over at Home Joys. I was tickled not only because I won, but also because of the prize: a cookbook called Recipes from the Old Mill- Baking with Whole Grains by Sarah Myers and Mary Beth Lind.

I'm one of those people that gets a kick out trying to learn how to cook and bake more healthfully. I have made the switch to using whole wheat flour and cutting back sugar in many recipes but I am always on the lookout for more information about things like that. So of course this cookbook was right down my ally.

What I really like about the book is that it gives information on each of the major grains such as wheat, corn, rye, & buckwheat and explains what about them makes them healthful and how they are harvested etc. Very educational. And then there are also lots of tips for cooking and baking with whole grains scattered throughout the cookbook as well as many personal notes from the authors. I don't typically sit down and read a cookbook but I have this one. The last couple of free evenings I was sitting down perusing it and finally my husband asked why I'm so busy reading a cookbook of all things!

It really is a delightful cookbook and one that I recommend for anyone you know who enjoys using whole grains. It'd make a great Christmas gift you know!

Thanks Gina for the gift!

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