
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tasty Tuesday: Homemade Yogurt

After thinking about it for about a year, I finally made my own yogurt. I am so excited! In fact, I nearly broke down and posted this recipe Saturday night when I made it, I was that excited!

I was wanting to try my hand at making homemade yogurt because it is cheaper, more healthy than many commercial yogurts, and just because I like to do that kind of thing. However, it scared me because I knew making yogurt was sort of touchy and also because, well, I just had never done it. Then I found this very easy recipe and decided to give it a whirl and was thrilled with the results. I really liked that I didn't have to buy a yogurt maker, wrap the jars in towels etc. It was all just incredibly simple.

After I made it and was waiting for it to do its thing in the oven, I was so nervous. What if I went to all that work and it didn't turn out? What if it was runny? What if it was just plain gross? My poor husband was nearly tired of hearing about it I think! I was thrilled when I finally was able to taste some after it cooled and discovered that it had turned out wonderfully.

I loved how thick it was. I had added another 1/2 Tbsp. gelatin which made a nice thick yogurt- just the way I like it! I liked the vanilla flavor too, however if you want to add fruit or aren't a huge vanilla yogurt fan, I'd probably skip it or at least cut way back on the amount because it is pretty strong. Overall, I was really pleased. And the crowning glory? My husband, who is a yogurt lover, declaring it perfect.

Homemade Yogurt
2 qt. milk
1/2 c. sugar
1 Tbsp. unflavored gelatin
2 Tbsp. yogurt (plain is best)*
1 Tbsp. vanilla

Dissolve gelatin in 1/3 c. cold water. Heat milk to 190 degrees. Add gelatin, sugar and vanilla. Cool to 130 degrees. Add commercial yogurt and stir well with a wire whisk. Pour into 2 quart jars; screw on lid. Set in oven with light on for 8 to 10 hours. Cool.

Serving suggestions: Stir in fruit, pie filling or dry flavored jello.

*Once you have some homemade yogurt, you can just use that instead of the bought yogurt. I usually buy yogurt maybe every 12 times to use as starter as it does seem that after a while the yogurt just doesn't get quite as good.


  1. Good for you! I'm glad it turned out for you! Sure wish I'd enjoy eating yogurt and I'd give this a try.

  2. I only heat mine to around 125 or 130. 190 takes so long to cool down. If you are using raw milk, that is the safer way to do it.

  3. Yes, you can use this shortcut if you're not using raw milk. I think I actually only heat it to 112. I'll check to make sure. It saves a lot of time. Thanks for the offer on the bacon! There's a Kroger in a town about half an hour from here that supposedly carries it, so I want to stop in sometime if I drive by.

  4. I just found your blog. You may want to do a search for crockpot yogurt. It is way easier. I see you live in Lancaster County. I live in Arkansas (moved here when I got married 23 years ago). I love Lancaster. I used to work at Lancaster General Hospital. Now My sister lives in Lanc. City and walks to work (she's an RN).Chris Williams

  5. I just found your blog. You may want to do a search for crockpot yogurt. It is way easier. I see you live in Lancaster County. I live in Arkansas (moved here when I got married 23 years ago). I love Lancaster. I used to work at Lancaster General Hospital. Now My sister lives in Lanc. City and walks to work (she's an RN).Chris Williams

  6. Welcome Chris! I had originally looked at making the crock pot yogurt but to me it looked more complicated than what I do now. :) Isn't that funny? I guess it's all about perspective. Thanks for the suggestion though!

    Wow, you used to work really close to us! We live in Lancaster City actually. So I bet your sister doesn't live terribly far from us as the city is not that big. We have relatives that live in Harrison, AR. Don't know how close that is to you.

    Thanks again for taking the time to comment. I always love learning more about and from my readers!



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