
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Smithfield Bacon Headsup

Did you print the $3/1 Smithfield Bacon coupon I posted about here? If you did and you still haven't used it, I just discovered that our local Wal-mart has it priced at $2.58 which means you can actually make money on it!

If you didn't print the coupon when I posted about it previously, try it now. It may still be available. And if you do try to get it now, can you please let us know if it is still working?

Happy saving!


  1. Which Wal-Mart do you shop at? I have been looking and looking for that bacon!

  2. I go to the Lancaster Walmart...and I am almost positive they didn't carry that bacon before. I'm sure I checked there when I first got the coupon. Anyway, it was simply a God thing that I saw it because I was just walking past and wasn't even thinking about it when I spotted it.

    I hope you have success finding it!


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