
Monday, October 5, 2009

Home Again, Home Again...

Well, we are back home after being gone for 4 days and being on the road for around 24 hours. Whew! There's just no place like home.

Thanks to each of you who left me sweet, caring comments and prayed for us. You have no idea how much that meant!

We had a good trip and good times in spite of being at my uncle's viewing and funeral. We had some wonderful times reconnecting with relatives who we haven't seen in years and also with friends at the reunion we went to in Ohio.

Often when we get back from a trip I feel rather worn out and find it hard to have the energy to get back into the swing of things but this time I feel so energized! Maybe it is because the little son traveled so well? Who knows. At any rate I am ready to dive into blogging again. In fact, I rather missed it.

A couple of other little notes relating to our trip:

Being at my sister-in-law's place gave me incentive to stick with my goal of becoming more organized. She has the natural organizational skills my husband's family is blessed with and being in her everything-in-its-place home gave me the kick in the pants I needed. Sigh. If only it came naturally for me!

We spent Saturday night at an old friend's place and being there inspired me to work at putting more personal touches around our home. We are still working at decorating a number of rooms- another thing that doesn't really come naturally for me- and I got some more ideas to help get me started with that again.

I was also so blessed by the generosity of the two ladies I mentioned above. They both gave me quite a few clothes for Logan that their little boys are no longer wearing. I had most of the clothes I needed for this winter but just hadn't gotten a chance to finish looking for the few things I needed. Well, now all I need is a pair of shoes, a pair of boots, and a few onesies. I was reminded again that there is much joy in giving (and receiving!).

I hope you all had a good weekend too!

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