
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Final Update: My New Resolve

Well, September is over and I am happy to announce that I had $28.80 left over for the month! Not quite my goal of $30, but I am still happy about it since this was after I spent approximately $5 on food for our unexpected trip!

This whole thing has taught me quite a bit. I learned that the world will not stop if I run out of one of my "staple" items. In fact, being out of a few staples forced me to be more creative and either improvise or totally make something else that used up some of my stockpile items.

I also learned to make meals that stuck more with items that I have on hand. Don't get me wrong, I probably did better at that than most people to begin with. But, I got even better at it which was good. In fact, it convinced me to try doing planned menus again. I know it's shocking, but I can't stand to stick to a planned menu! I tried it not long after we were married but soon got very frustrated with it. However, I think I am going to try it again, and just do things a little differently so I like it better.

My cupboards look like they experienced a makeover, and in fact they sort of did. I am enjoying the free space and actually rearranged quite a few of my cupboards and made room for some other things that had been sadly lacking a good, permanent home. It is definitely easier to be organized with less things!

Even though it was frustrating at times to not have something I considered a staple item, I enjoyed the challenge so much that I think I am going to do it again this month. In fact, I might even post how I did at the end of the month. The publicity does good things for my resolve!


  1. Would love to see b4 and after pictures of your pantry when your month is over pictures are worth a thousand words to some lol tak one when you start then one when the month ends compare just some thing fun :) robin

  2. Robin, that's a great idea and I'll try to remember to do that if I do an "eat of the pantry" again. As you probably noticed, this was done in October, so it's a little late to take pictures now. :)


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