
Monday, October 5, 2009

Blog Award!

Thanks to The Suburban Jungle for awarding me my first ever blog award! I discovered Angela's blog quite a while back and it is one of the blogs I read just for fun. I enjoy her witty way with words and frank opinions. Anyway, thanks Angela!

Now here are the rules for receiving this award:
- give it to bloggers you think deserve it
- leave them a message that they have been given this award

- leave a comment to the person who gave you this award!

And here are the blogs I am awarding- only a handful of the ones that I love! :
- Shellie @ Saving with Shellie
- Debra @ A Frugal Friend
- Corrie @ Centsable Momma
- Michelle @ Frugal and Thrifty Mama
- Amy @ The Finer Things in Life


  1. Thanks for the award! I really appreciate it :-).

  2. Lydia,

    Thanks Thanks's been one of those days (little one was uncharacteristically up all night)......thanks for making me smile! :-)

  3. I'm a bit slow in getting around here... anyway a big thanks for the award!


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