
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Turn of Events

It looks like I am going to be taking another break or semi-break from blogging again. But this time, not so much because I wanted to.

My Uncle Rick passed away on Sunday after a year long battle with cancer. Even though I knew he was sick and not doing so well, it still seems hard to believe he is gone. Uncle Rick was one of my favorite uncles. His love for a good laugh and great sense of humor combined with a caring, kind heart made him a great uncle and a great person to hang out with.

We are leaving Thursday morning for Toronto to be at the viewing and funeral services. From there we are going to a reunion in Ohio for the rest of the weekend. On top of that, I had planned to do my monthly shift tomorrow at my job...of all the crazy times! But I had no idea when I called to schedule a day to work. All that to say, I don't know how much I'll be able to blog. I hope to have internet access at least occasionally on the trip, but I can't promise anything.

Sorry for all the blogging absences lately! Thanks for bearing with me.


  1. praying for you...for safe travels and special times with your family....also strength for your day at work while trying to get packed.


  2. So sorry to hear about your uncle... I do remember you talking about him at least one time or so. ~Susan

  3. Sorry to hear that! Praying for you...


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