
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tasty Tuesday: Cream of Tomato Soup

I know it is a bit early to think of eating soup a lot but since I am elbow deep in tomatoes and since I made some of this last night with fresh tomato juice I thought I'd make this my Tasty Tuesday recipe this week. (You'll have to excuse the not so great picture. I just can't seem to remember to take pictures until after we have eaten the dish! And I'm still learning how to take good pictures of food. But enough at least gives you an idea of what it looks like- although I don't very often sprinkle cheese in my tomato soup.)

This is a soup I grew up on and always enjoyed even though I don't like tomatoes. Figure that one out! It makes a quick, easy, healthy meal and is almost a comfort food for me. I know some people add lots of seasonings to their tomato soup but I guess maybe because I got used to this more basic version growing up, I still prefer mine without extra seasonings.

Cream of Tomato Soup
3 Tablespoons butter
2 1/2 Tablespoons flour
1 quart tomato juice
1 Tablespoon minced onion
1/4 teaspoon celery salt
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 quart milk
1/8 teaspoon pepper

Melt butter in saucepan. Add flour, salt, pepper, sugar ad celery salt. Gradually add milk and stir until thickened.

In a separate pan heat tomato juice and minced onion. Cook both pans until heated to approximately the same temperature. Add about 1 cup of tomato mixture to milk and stir (to keep from curdling). Then add the rest of the tomato mixture. If soup does curdle, beat briskly.

Serves: 6

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I love tomato soup! I usually can mine then all I have to do is add a little milk to it when I heat it up. Delicious!

    BTW-I don't add seasonings to my soup either besides salt and pepper.


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