
Monday, September 14, 2009

Rite Aid: Gift of Savings

I don't typically post store deals but this one is just too good to not pass on to you all. Starting this week, Rite Aid is beginning a program called Gift of Savings, which should be an easy way to make some money while shopping at Rite Aid.

When you shop at Rite Aid between 9/13/09 and 10/17/09, enter your receipts at the Gift of Savings website. After you spend the required amount, you will receive a Gift of Savings certificate for the specified amount. These certificates are like a paper gift certificate and can be used for almost anything in the store.

Here is the breakdown of what you need to spend to get the certificate.

Spend between $25 and $50 and receive a $5.00 Gift of Savings Certificate

Spend between $50.01 and $100 and receive a $10.00 Gift of Savings Certificate

Spend $100.01 or more and receive a $20.00 Gift of Savings Certificate

Rite Aid has a great rebate program and you should easily be able to at least meet the $25 requirement just by purchasing items that are free after rebate and/or coupons. Want some help knowing where to start? Check out the list of deals that For the Mommas has posted.

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