
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tasty Tuesday: Cheesy Summer Squash Casserole

This weekend a friend gave me some of her garden bounty. It really made me wish that we had room for at least a little garden. But alas, we don't. Anyway, one of the things she gave me was some yellow summer squash. Yum! I love those, especially when they are in my mom's delicious squash casserole. I have great memories enjoying that as a little girl.

What I really like about this recipe is that it is simple, rather low fat, and allows the mild, sweetish flavor of the summer squash to come through.

(Someday, I just might think to take pictures of my dishes before we eat them so that you can know what the different recipes look like. Until then, you'll just need an active imagination!)

Cheesy Summer Squash Casserole
3 c. summer squash, chopped (any type works)
1 c. cracker crumbs
1 c. shredded cheese
2 eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons butter, melted
2 tablespoons onion, chopped fine

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Place in a greased baking dish; cover and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

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