
Monday, August 24, 2009

Just a Head's Up

I just wanted to give you a head's up that I may not be able to post much over the next several days. My in-laws (they have 7 kids still at home) are moving back to the States tomorrow after living in Romania for 10 years. We have been busy trying to get their house ready, buy food and necessities, organize work crews to help fix up their house etc. It's been busy and I think it will only be busier the next several days as we try to help them settle and adjust.

If you would, pray for them when you read this. They have a long road of adjusting ahead.

Thanks for your understanding...and I will try to post as often and as much as I can!


  1. Wow, I didn't know they were moving back. I will definately keep them in my prayers. That will be a huge adjustment after being over there for so long!
    It's nice though that they'll be around to enjoy and get to know their grandchildren!

  2. That is so exciting! I'm sure you'll be very busy, but praying that it's a good time, too, as you all reacquaint! ~eunice
    Dear Heavenly Father, please give Lydia such an abundance of Your gracious peace and strength as she helps her in-laws in this huge step. Please give her and her husband wisdom, too, as they try to get the last minute details taken care of. Please be with the family, too, as they continue their travels home, and give them safety. Thank you for hearing and caring about what it's important to us! In Jesus' name, Amen.

  3. Thanks Michelle and Eunice! You're caring really blessed me.

    We are really looking forward to finally having family close by after being married almost 3 years and the closest family living almost 2 hours away.

    And I am convinced that I have to have some of the very best in-laws that there are. I feel so thankful. At the same time, I know it will be an adjustment too for all of us.

    Anyway, I survived yesterday and today looks pretty doable. People have been great about pitching in and I have just been amazed at how stress free I feel! Thank you God!


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