
Friday, August 14, 2009

Giveaway Roundup

Well, I am a day late with my Giveaway Roundup post. Sorry if you were watching for it. After having such a crazy day on Wednesday, I decided to have a pretty laid back day yesterday and so this is one of the things that got axed. But, a day late isn't too bad is it? Unfortunately, there aren't just a lot of giveaways this week...most of the giveaways I saw were for smaller items.

Do you need a cordless phone? We could definitely use another one! Thrifty and Chic Mom has a give away this week for a great looking VTech cordless phone.

Bargain Briana is doing a Back to School giveaway for a $500 Walmart gift card. Wow! Now that would definitely last us quite a long time.

Slave to Save is the one doing an Amazon gift card give away this week. Stop by and enter for a chance to win a gift card for $25.

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