
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tasty Tuesday: Mocha Dessert

I've always been a sucker for desserts and they are my favorite thing to make too. That is all good and fine for my taste buds, but not so good and fine for my waistline. Oh well, it is all about moderation right?

We had dinner guests Sunday and I had fun setting the table with china and all my beautiful dishes. It was also fun making all the different foods but of course my favorite was the dessert. I served mixed frozen fruit(strawberries, peaches, and blueberries all of which I freeze myself) and Mocha dessert...a refreshing cool combo for a warm day! And it was definitely a hit with everyone.

Mocha Dessert
1 1b. 2 oz. Oreo cookies
1 (3.4 oz.) box instant chocolate pudding
1 (3.4 oz.) box instant vanilla pudding
3 cups milk
16 oz. Cool Whip
3 Tablespoons (heaping) instant coffee granules
3 Tablespoons butter, melted

Crush Oreo cookies and mix with melted butter. Save 1 cup and set aside. Press remainder into a 9 x 13 inch pan.
Mix coffee, milk, and puddings then add 1 cup Cool Whip. Spread on top of crust. Chill for 1 hour.
Spread remainder of Cool Whip on top of pudding mixture. Sprinkle with the reserved 1 cup of cookie crumbs.

Variation: use 2 boxes instant vanilla pudding and add chocolate syrup instead...this is a little less sweet.
Or for a really sweet, really rich taste go with 2 boxes of instant chocolate pudding.

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