
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good-bye for a Little

Well, I am almost ready to walk out the door. I am heading to my parent's place for a several days while Vince works at finally finishing our kitchen. In case you didn't figure it out by now, we bought a house in the city and are slowly fixing it up with the hopes of reselling it in a year or so. Anyway, we don't have too much more to do but the kitchen is one areas that hasn't been finished. He hopes to put down linoleum, paint, fix the ceiling, put in different light fixtures, and possibly redo the back splash as well as various random things in other parts of the house. I am so thankful for a hard working, handyman husband!

So anyway, Logan and I are going to spend several days at Mom and Dad's as I said. I am excited about being "home" again. Mom is going to help me do applesauce while I am there, we are going to go through some of my grandparent's things and I'm going to be bringing back a few pieces of furniture from them, I hope to see some other family, and maybe I'll even be able to just relax a little.

I feel the need for that. I picked green beans for four hours yesterday! And I was working at getting them in the freezer last night until 1 am and then was working on them again until just about an hour ago. My sweet husband helped me out for several hours last night, bless his heart. Otherwise I'd still be at it. Anyway, I am about sick of seeing beans but am excited about having 49 1/2 quarts in our freezer! Yes, we love green beans and I am so grateful to one of the ladies at our church who offered to let me pick her patch since she has more than she needs.

Well, I guess I sort of went down some bunny trails. I was just planning to let you know that I won't be updating probably until next Monday since I can't access Internet very easily while I am gone. Who knows though, maybe I'll find a way to post before then. At any rate, please don't quit stopping by...I'll be back before long! Have a great week and weekend.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of beans! Yay! Have a great time and good luck when it comes time to sell the house. :)


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