
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Giveaway Roundup

To Save a Penny is giving away a $20 Starbuck's gift card. You know we all LOVE those!

Need grocery money? Frugal Freebies and Deals has a $100 gift card for Kroger or one of their affiliate stores that they are giving away. Now THAT would buy us a lot of groceries!

Smart Moms Save is starting up her blog and is giving away a $30 gift card to either Walmart or Target, the choice is yours. What's not to love about that? Be sure to check out her blog. It looks like a promising one.

Want another chance to win a gift card to Target? Addicted to Couponing is doing a $10 Target gift card giveaway.

Just discovered a blog that I IMMEDIATELY loved called The Suburban Jungle. I just liked her blogging style and was fascinated by many of her posts. Anyway, the give away this blog is having is for 2 coupons for a free box of Kashi granola. Now around here we think granola is the greatest and although I generally make my own, I know that Kashi cereal is good and good for you so why would I pass it up? Plus it's free food, right?

I'm on the lookout for some comfy shoes for Logan so I am excited about the give away at Go Graham Go which is for a pair of toddler shoes from They look excellent, a mixture of great looks, practicality and comfort. Check them out.

Be it Ever so Humble is giving away any product of your choice under $100 from I'm thinking we'd have a hard time narrowing it down to one item they have so many amazing options.

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